Commit 307d1794 authored by's avatar

Move all revision parsing code to _EnforceRevisions.

Make -r invalid@rev a warning and ignore the argument.
Make -r rev use the Nth solution.
Fix a bug in FakeRepos.assertTree().

TEST=updated the smoke test to reflect the new behavior which should be the most compatible with the current buildbot behavior

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent d089192b
......@@ -506,31 +506,33 @@ solutions = [
def _EnforceRevisions(self, solutions):
"""Checks for revision overrides."""
revision_overrides = {}
solutions = [s['name'] for s in solutions]
if self._options.revisions:
revision = self._options.revisions[0]
# Ignore solution@
rev = revision
if '@' in revision:
rev = revision.split('@', 1)[1]
revision_overrides[solutions[0]] = rev
if len(self._options.revisions) > 1:
# Enforce solution@rev format for following params.
for revision in self._options.revisions[1:]:
if not '@' in revision:
raise gclient_utils.Error(
'Specify the full dependency when specifying a revision number '
'for non-primary solution.')
sol, rev = revision.split("@", 1)
# Disallow conflicting revs
if revision_overrides.get(sol, rev) != rev:
raise gclient_utils.Error(
'Conflicting revision numbers specified for %s: %s and %s.' %
(sol, revision_overrides[sol], rev))
if not sol in solutions:
raise gclient_utils.Error('%s is not a valid solution.' % sol)
if self._options.head:
return revision_overrides
for s in solutions:
if not s.get('safesync_url', None):
handle = urllib.urlopen(s['safesync_url'])
rev =
if len(rev):
self._options.revisions.append('%s@%s' % (s['name'], rev))
if not self._options.revisions:
return revision_overrides
# --revision will take over safesync_url.
solutions_names = [s['name'] for s in solutions]
index = 0
for revision in self._options.revisions:
if not '@' in revision:
# Support for --revision 123
revision = '%s@%s' % (solutions_names[index], revision)
sol, rev = revision.split("@", 1)
if not sol in solutions_names:
#raise gclient_utils.Error('%s is not a valid solution.' % sol)
print >> sys.stderr, ('Please fix your script, having invalid '
'--revision flags will soon considered an error.')
revision_overrides[sol] = rev
index += 1
return revision_overrides
def RunOnDeps(self, command, args):
......@@ -942,10 +944,11 @@ def CMDsync(parser, args):
help="don't run hooks after the update is complete")
parser.add_option("-r", "--revision", action="append",
dest="revisions", metavar="REV", default=[],
help="Enforces revision/hash for the primary solution. "
"To modify a secondary solution, use it at least once "
"for the primary solution and then use the format "
"solution@rev/hash, e.g. -r src@123")
help="Enforces revision/hash for the solutions with the "
"format src@rev. The src@ part is optional and can be "
"skipped. -r can be used multiple times when .gclient "
"has multiple solutions configured and will work even "
"if the src@ part is skipped.")
parser.add_option("--head", action="store_true",
help="skips any safesync_urls specified in "
"configured solutions and sync to head instead")
......@@ -967,29 +970,9 @@ def CMDsync(parser, args):
if not client:
raise gclient_utils.Error("client not configured; see 'gclient config'")
if not options.head:
solutions = client.GetVar('solutions')
if solutions:
first = True
for s in solutions:
if s.get('safesync_url', None):
# rip through revisions and make sure we're not over-riding
# something that was explicitly passed
has_key = False
r_first = True
for r in options.revisions:
if (first and r_first) or r.split('@', 1)[0] == s['name']:
has_key = True
r_first = False
if not has_key:
handle = urllib.urlopen(s['safesync_url'])
rev =
if len(rev):
first = False
if options.revisions and options.head:
# TODO(maruel): Make it a parser.error if it doesn't break any builder.
print("Warning: you cannot use both --head and --revision")
if options.verbose:
# Print out the .gclient file. This is longer than if we just printed the
......@@ -1125,6 +1108,8 @@ def Main(argv):
if not hasattr(options, 'revisions'):
# GClient.RunOnDeps expects it even if not applicable.
options.revisions = []
if not hasattr(options, 'head'):
options.head = None
return (options, args)
parser.parse_args = Parse
# We don't want wordwrapping in epilog (usually examples)
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
import atexit
import logging
import os
import pprint
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
......@@ -500,6 +501,7 @@ class FakeReposTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
logging.debug('Actual %s\n%s' % (tree_root, pprint.pformat(actual)))
logging.debug('Expected\n%s' % pprint.pformat(tree))
logging.debug('Diff\n%s' % pprint.pformat(diff))
self.assertEquals(diff, [])
def main(argv):
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class GClientSmokeSVN(GClientSmokeBase):
self.checkString('', results[1])
self.assertEquals(0, results[2])
tree = mangle_svn_tree(
(join('trunk', 'src'), 'src', self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_revs[-1]),
(join('trunk', 'src'), 'src', self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_revs[2]),
(join('trunk', 'third_party', 'foo'), join('src', 'third_party', 'fpp'),
(join('trunk', 'third_party', 'foo'), join('src', 'third_party', 'foo'),
......@@ -191,9 +191,29 @@ class GClientSmokeSVN(GClientSmokeBase):
tree[join('src', 'svn_hooked1')] = 'svn_hooked1'
def SyncAtRev1(self, arg):
def testSyncIgnoredSolutionName(self):
"""TODO(maruel): This will become an error soon."""
self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/'])
results = self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '-r', arg])
results = self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '-r', 'invalid@1'])
out = results[0].splitlines(False)
self.assertEquals(17, len(out))
self.checkString('Please fix your script, having invalid --revision flags '
'will soon considered an error.\n', results[1])
self.assertEquals(0, results[2])
tree = mangle_svn_tree(
(join('trunk', 'src'), 'src', self.FAKE_REPOS.svn_revs[2]),
(join('trunk', 'third_party', 'foo'), join('src', 'third_party', 'foo'),
(join('trunk', 'other'), join('src', 'other'),
tree[join('src', 'svn_hooked1')] = 'svn_hooked1'
def testSyncNoSolutionName(self):
# When no solution name is provided, gclient uses the first solution listed.
self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/'])
results = self.gclient(['sync', '--deps', 'mac', '-r', '1'])
out = results[0].splitlines(False)
self.assertEquals(19, len(out))
self.checkString('', results[1])
......@@ -210,12 +230,6 @@ class GClientSmokeSVN(GClientSmokeBase):
def testSyncIgnoredSolutionName(self):
def testSyncNoSolutionName(self):
def testRevertAndStatus(self):
self.gclient(['config', self.svn_base + 'trunk/src/'])
# Tested in testSync.
......@@ -420,6 +434,54 @@ class GClientSmokeGIT(GClientSmokeBase):
tree[join('src', 'git_hooked2')] = 'git_hooked2'
def testSyncIgnoredSolutionName(self):
"""TODO(maruel): This will become an error soon."""
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src'])
results = self.gclient([
'sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--revision',
'invalid@' + self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_1'][0][0],
out = results[0].splitlines(False)
self.assertEquals(13, len(out))
# TODO(maruel): git shouldn't output to stderr...
self.checkString('Please fix your script, having invalid --revision flags '
'will soon considered an error.\nSwitched to a new branch \'%s\'\n' %
self.assertEquals(0, results[2])
tree = mangle_git_tree(
('src', self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_1'][1][1]),
(join('src', 'repo2'), self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_2'][0][1]),
(join('src', 'repo2', 'repo_renamed'),
tree[join('src', 'git_hooked1')] = 'git_hooked1'
tree[join('src', 'git_hooked2')] = 'git_hooked2'
def testSyncNoSolutionName(self):
# When no solution name is provided, gclient uses the first solution listed.
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src'])
results = self.gclient([
'sync', '--deps', 'mac', '--revision',
out = results[0].splitlines(False)
self.assertEquals(12, len(out))
# TODO(maruel): git shouldn't output to stderr...
self.checkString('Switched to a new branch \'%s\'\n'
% self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_1'][0][0], results[1])
self.assertEquals(0, results[2])
tree = mangle_git_tree(
('src', self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_1'][0][1]),
(join('src', 'repo2'), self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_2'][1][1]),
(join('src', 'repo2', 'repo3'),
(join('src', 'repo4'), self.FAKE_REPOS.git_hashes['repo_4'][1][1]),
def testRevertAndStatus(self):
"""TODO(maruel): Remove this line once this test is fixed."""
self.gclient(['config', self.git_base + 'repo_1', '--name', 'src'])
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