Commit 2cbae8a8 authored by Andrii Shyshkalov's avatar Andrii Shyshkalov Committed by Commit Bot

git cl: retry-failed avoid not useful retries.

* don't retry successful (last build) or still running builders.
* don't retry CQ experimental builders.


Bug: 1012631
Change-Id: I2a155b274c822f8ead032098a08702f26362bee3
Reviewed-on: 's avatarEdward Lesmes <>
Commit-Queue: Andrii Shyshkalov <>
parent 5c869191
......@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ def fetch_try_jobs(auth_config, changelist, buildbucket_host,
Returns list of buildbucket.v2.Build with the try jobs for the changelist.
fields = ['id', 'builder', 'status']
fields = ['id', 'builder', 'status', 'createTime', 'tags']
request = {
'predicate': {
'gerritChanges': [changelist.GetGerritChange(patchset)],
......@@ -588,11 +588,11 @@ def _fetch_latest_builds(
return [], 0
def _filter_failed(builds):
"""Returns a list of buckets/builders that had failed builds.
def _filter_failed_for_retry(all_builds):
"""Returns a list of buckets/builders that are worth retrying.
builds (list): Builds, in the format returned by fetch_try_jobs,
all_builds (list): Builds, in the format returned by fetch_try_jobs,
i.e. a list of buildbucket.v2.Builds which includes status and builder
......@@ -600,14 +600,30 @@ def _filter_failed(builds):
A dict of bucket to builder to tests (empty list). This is the same format
accepted by _trigger_try_jobs and returned by _get_bucket_map.
buckets = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for build in builds:
if build['status'] in ('FAILURE', 'INFRA_FAILURE'):
project = build['builder']['project']
bucket = build['builder']['bucket']
builder = build['builder']['builder']
buckets[project + '/' + bucket][builder] = []
return buckets
def _builder_of(build):
builder = build['builder']
return (builder['project'], builder['bucket'], builder['builder'])
res = collections.defaultdict(dict)
ordered = sorted(all_builds, key=lambda b: (_builder_of(b), b['createTime']))
for (proj, buck, bldr), builds in itertools.groupby(ordered, key=_builder_of):
# If builder had several builds, retry only if the last one failed.
# This is a bit different from CQ, which would re-use *any* SUCCESS-full
# build, but in case of retrying failed jobs retrying a flaky one makes
# sense.
builds = list(builds)
if builds[-1]['status'] not in ('FAILURE', 'INFRA_FAILURE'):
if any(t['key'] == 'cq_experimental' and t['value'] == 'true'
for t in builds[-1]['tags']):
# Don't retry experimental build previously triggered by CQ.
if any(b['status'] in ('STARTED', 'SCHEDULED') for b in builds):
# Don't retry if any are running.
res[proj + '/' + buck][bldr] = []
return res
def print_try_jobs(options, builds):
......@@ -4429,7 +4445,7 @@ def CMDupload(parser, args):
builds, _ = _fetch_latest_builds(
auth_config, cl, options.buildbucket_host,
buckets = _filter_failed(builds)
buckets = _filter_failed_for_retry(builds)
if len(buckets) == 0:
print('No failed tryjobs, so --retry-failed has no effect.')
return ret
......@@ -4717,7 +4733,7 @@ def CMDtry(parser, args):
auth_config, cl, options.buildbucket_host)
if options.verbose:
print('Got %d builds in patchset #%d' % (len(builds), patchset))
buckets = _filter_failed(builds)
buckets = _filter_failed_for_retry(builds)
if not buckets:
print('There are no failed jobs in the latest set of jobs '
'(patchset #%d), doing nothing.' % patchset)
......@@ -3037,18 +3037,17 @@ class CMDTestCaseBase(unittest.TestCase):
'builds': [
'builds': [{
'id': str(100 + idx),
'builder': {
'project': 'chromium',
'bucket': 'try',
'builder': 'bot_' + status.lower(),
'createTime': '2019-10-09T08:00:0%d.854286Z' % (idx % 10),
'tags': [],
'status': status,
for idx, status in enumerate(_STATUSES)
} for idx, status in enumerate(_STATUSES)]
def setUp(self):
......@@ -3080,7 +3079,8 @@ class CMDTryResultsTestCase(CMDTestCaseBase):
"change": 123456,
'fields': 'builds.*.id,builds.*.builder,builds.*.status',
'fields': ('builds.*.id,builds.*.builder,builds.*.status' +
def testNoJobs(self):
......@@ -3147,11 +3147,58 @@ class CMDTryResultsTestCase(CMDTestCaseBase):
'file.json', self._DEFAULT_RESPONSE['builds'])
def test_filter_failed(self):
self.assertEqual({}, git_cl._filter_failed([]))
def test_filter_failed_for_one_simple(self):
self.assertEqual({}, git_cl._filter_failed_for_retry([]))
'chromium/try': {'bot_failure': [], 'bot_infra_failure': []},
}, git_cl._filter_failed(self._DEFAULT_RESPONSE['builds']))
'chromium/try': {
'bot_failure': [],
'bot_infra_failure': []
}, git_cl._filter_failed_for_retry(self._DEFAULT_RESPONSE['builds']))
def test_filter_failed_for_retry_many_builds(self):
def _build(name, created_sec, status, experimental=False):
assert 0 <= created_sec < 100, created_sec
b = {
'id': 112112,
'builder': {
'project': 'chromium',
'bucket': 'try',
'builder': name,
'createTime': '2019-10-09T08:00:%02d.854286Z' % created_sec,
'status': status,
'tags': [],
if experimental:
b['tags'].append({'key': 'cq_experimental', 'value': 'true'})
return b
builds = [
_build('flaky-last-green', 1, 'FAILURE'),
_build('flaky-last-green', 2, 'SUCCESS'),
_build('flaky', 1, 'SUCCESS'),
_build('flaky', 2, 'FAILURE'),
_build('running', 1, 'FAILED'),
_build('running', 2, 'SCHEDULED'),
_build('yep-still-running', 1, 'STARTED'),
_build('yep-still-running', 2, 'FAILURE'),
_build('cq-experimental', 1, 'SUCCESS', experimental=True),
_build('cq-experimental', 2, 'FAILURE', experimental=True),
# Simulate experimental in CQ builder, which developer decided
# to retry manually which resulted in 2nd build non-experimental.
_build('sometimes-experimental', 1, 'FAILURE', experimental=True),
_build('sometimes-experimental', 2, 'FAILURE', experimental=False),
builds.sort(key=lambda b: b['status']) # ~deterministic shuffle.
'chromium/try': {
'flaky': [],
'sometimes-experimental': []
}, git_cl._filter_failed_for_retry(builds))
class CMDTryTestCase(CMDTestCaseBase):
......@@ -3228,11 +3275,10 @@ class CMDTryTestCase(CMDTestCaseBase):
'builder': {
'project': 'chromium',
'bucket': 'try',
'builder': 'linux',
'status': 'FAILURE',
'builder': 'linux',},
'createTime': '2019-10-09T08:00:01.854286Z',
'tags': [],
'status': 'FAILURE',}],}[kw['patchset']]
mockCallBuildbucket.return_value = {}
self.assertEqual(0, git_cl.main(['try', '--retry-failed']))
......@@ -3318,18 +3364,17 @@ class CMDUploadTestCase(CMDTestCaseBase):
# Latest patchset: No builds.
# Patchset before latest: Some builds.
'id': str(100 + idx),
'builder': {
'project': 'chromium',
'bucket': 'try',
'builder': 'bot_' + status.lower(),
'createTime': '2019-10-09T08:00:0%d.854286Z' % (idx % 10),
'tags': [],
'status': status,
for idx, status in enumerate(self._STATUSES)
} for idx, status in enumerate(self._STATUSES)],
self.assertEqual(0, git_cl.main(['upload', '--retry-failed']))
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