Commit 26cd974a authored by Henrique Ferreiro's avatar Henrique Ferreiro Committed by LUCI CQ

Add a python2 shim under python2-bin/

Similarly to how python3 is available at python-bin/, this will allow
developers to opt-in to a depot_tools provided python2.

Bug: 1109180
Change-Id: I872eaa1289bb477da73373e99f5e6188a87d39dd
Reviewed-on: 's avatarJosip Sokcevic <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarDirk Pranke <>
Commit-Queue: Henrique Ferreiro <>
parent 1607bf45
#!/usr/bin/env bash
DEPOT_TOOLS=$(dirname "$0")/..
PYTHON_BIN_DIR="$DEPOT_TOOLS/$(cat $DEPOT_TOOLS/python_bin_reldir.txt | xargs echo)"
"$PYTHON_BIN_DIR/python" "$@"
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