Commit 260eb0f6 authored by Nodir Turakulov's avatar Nodir Turakulov Committed by LUCI CQ

[tryserver] Report affected files via property

To enable aggregate analysis on changed files in BigQuery, conditionally
report them via an output property.

This CL causes a non-trivial roll only because of the sorting.

Recipe-Nontrivial-Roll: build
Bug: 1151655
Change-Id: Ie7a6c622196143c1aef07af9a9a356fb4202ea56
Reviewed-on: 's avatarAndrii Shyshkalov <>
Commit-Queue: Nodir Turakulov <>
parent 9c0dc302
......@@ -828,21 +828,23 @@ Returns gerrit change destination ref, e.g. "refs/heads/master".
Populated iff gerrit_change is populated.
&mdash; **def [get\_files\_affected\_by\_patch](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, patch_root, \*\*kwargs):**
&mdash; **def [get\_files\_affected\_by\_patch](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, patch_root, report_files_via_property=None, \*\*kwargs):**
Returns list of paths to files affected by the patch.
* patch_root: path relative to api.path['root'], usually obtained from
* report_files_via_property: name of the output property to report the
list of the files. If None (default), do not report.
Returned paths will be relative to to patch_root.
&mdash; **def [get\_footer](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, tag, patch_text=None):**
&mdash; **def [get\_footer](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, tag, patch_text=None):**
Gets a specific tag from a CL description
&mdash; **def [get\_footers](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, patch_text=None):**
&mdash; **def [get\_footers](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, patch_text=None):**
Retrieves footers from the patch description.
......@@ -861,20 +863,20 @@ Returns true iff the properties exist to match a Gerrit issue.
Returns true iff we have a change to check out.
&mdash; **def [normalize\_footer\_name](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, footer):**
&mdash; **def [normalize\_footer\_name](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, footer):**
&mdash; **def [set\_change](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, change):**
&mdash; **def [set\_change](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, change):**
Set the gerrit change for this module.
* change: a self.m.buildbucket.common_pb2.GerritChange.
&mdash; **def [set\_compile\_failure\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
&mdash; **def [set\_compile\_failure\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
Mark the tryjob result as a compile failure.
&mdash; **def [set\_invalid\_test\_results\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
&mdash; **def [set\_invalid\_test\_results\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
Mark the tryjob result as having invalid test results.
......@@ -882,32 +884,32 @@ This means we run some tests, but the results were not valid
(e.g. no list of specific test cases that failed, or too many
tests failing, etc).
&mdash; **def [set\_patch\_failure\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
&mdash; **def [set\_patch\_failure\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
Mark the tryjob result as failure to apply the patch.
&mdash; **def [set\_subproject\_tag](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, subproject_tag):**
&mdash; **def [set\_subproject\_tag](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, subproject_tag):**
Adds a subproject tag to the build.
This can be used to distinguish between builds that execute different steps
depending on what was patched, e.g. blink vs. pure chromium patches.
&mdash; **def [set\_test\_expired\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
&mdash; **def [set\_test\_expired\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
Mark the tryjob result as a test expiration.
This means a test task expired and was never scheduled, most likely due to
lack of capacity.
&mdash; **def [set\_test\_failure\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
&mdash; **def [set\_test\_failure\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
Mark the tryjob result as a test failure.
This means we started running actual tests (not prerequisite steps
like checkout or compile), and some of these tests have failed.
&mdash; **def [set\_test\_timeout\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
&mdash; **def [set\_test\_timeout\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
Mark the tryjob result as a test timeout.
......@@ -140,12 +140,16 @@ class TryserverApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):'patch_repo_url') and'patch_ref'))
def get_files_affected_by_patch(self, patch_root, **kwargs):
def get_files_affected_by_patch(self, patch_root,
"""Returns list of paths to files affected by the patch.
* patch_root: path relative to api.path['root'], usually obtained from
* report_files_via_property: name of the output property to report the
list of the files. If None (default), do not report.
Returned paths will be relative to to patch_root.
......@@ -160,11 +164,19 @@ class TryserverApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
paths = [self.m.path.join(patch_root, p) for p in
if self.m.platform.is_win:
# Looks like "analyze" wants POSIX slashes even on Windows (since git
# uses that format even on Windows).
paths = [path.replace('\\', '/') for path in paths]
step_result.presentation.logs['files'] = paths
if report_files_via_property:[report_files_via_property] = {
'total_count': len(paths),
# Do not report too many because it might violate build size limits,
# and isn't very useful anyway.
'first_100': paths[:100],
return paths
def set_subproject_tag(self, subproject_tag):
......@@ -119,7 +119,8 @@
"name": "git diff to analyze patch",
"~followup_annotations": [
"@@@SET_BUILD_PROPERTY@affected_files@{\"first_100\": [\"None/\"], \"total_count\": 1}@@@"
......@@ -119,7 +119,8 @@
"name": "git diff to analyze patch",
"~followup_annotations": [
"@@@SET_BUILD_PROPERTY@affected_files@{\"first_100\": [\"None/\"], \"total_count\": 1}@@@"
......@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
"name": "git diff to analyze patch",
"~followup_annotations": [
"@@@SET_BUILD_PROPERTY@affected_files@{\"first_100\": [\"\"], \"total_count\": 1}@@@"
......@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
"name": "git diff to analyze patch",
"~followup_annotations": [
"@@@SET_BUILD_PROPERTY@affected_files@{\"first_100\": [\"sub/project/\"], \"total_count\": 1}@@@"
......@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ def RunSteps(api):
if api.tryserver.is_gerrit_issue:
if api.tryserver.is_tryserver:
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