Commit 18af7efd authored by Joanna Wang's avatar Joanna Wang Committed by LUCI CQ

[no-sync] Update ParseDepsFile to process deps and hooks appropriately with should_sync.

Bug: 1339472
Change-Id: Iea077cdb655105d27431ff4f677d93eec121bc31
Commit-Queue: Joanna Wang <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarGavin Mak <>
parent 9af90cb5
......@@ -455,6 +455,14 @@ class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings):
# Whether we should process this dependency's DEPS file.
self._should_recurse = should_recurse
# Whether we should sync git/cipd dependencies and hooks from the
# DEPS file.
# This is set based on options.skip_sync_revisions and must be done
# after the patch refs are applied.
# If this is False, we will still run custom_hooks and process
# custom_deps, if any.
self._should_sync = True
# This is inherited from WorkItem. We want the URL to be a resource.
if self.url and isinstance(self.url, basestring):
......@@ -616,21 +624,37 @@ class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings):
return True
def _postprocess_deps(self, deps, rel_prefix):
# type: (Mapping[str, Mapping[str, str]], str) ->
# Mapping[str, Mapping[str, str]]
"""Performs post-processing of deps compared to what's in the DEPS file."""
# Make sure the dict is mutable, e.g. in case it's frozen.
deps = dict(deps)
# If we don't need to sync, only process custom_deps, if any.
if not self._should_sync:
if not self.custom_deps:
return {}
processed_deps = {}
for dep_name, dep_info in self.custom_deps.items():
if dep_info and not dep_info.endswith('@unmanaged'):
if dep_name in deps:
# custom_deps that should override an existing deps gets applied
# in the Dependency itself with _OverrideUrl().
processed_deps[dep_name] = deps[dep_name]
processed_deps[dep_name] = {'url': dep_info, 'dep_type': 'git'}
processed_deps = dict(deps)
# If a line is in custom_deps, but not in the solution, we want to append
# this line to the solution.
for dep_name, dep_info in self.custom_deps.items():
if dep_name not in deps:
# If a line is in custom_deps, but not in the solution, we want to append
# this line to the solution.
for dep_name, dep_info in self.custom_deps.items():
# Don't add it to the solution for the values of "None" and "unmanaged"
# in order to force these kinds of custom_deps to act as revision
# overrides (via revision_overrides). Having them function as revision
# overrides allows them to be applied to recursive dependencies.
if dep_info and not dep_info.endswith('@unmanaged'):
deps[dep_name] = {'url': dep_info, 'dep_type': 'git'}
if (dep_name not in processed_deps and dep_info
and not dep_info.endswith('@unmanaged')):
processed_deps[dep_name] = {'url': dep_info, 'dep_type': 'git'}
# Make child deps conditional on any parent conditions. This ensures that,
# when flattened, recursed entries have the correct restrictions, even if
......@@ -639,23 +663,24 @@ class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings):
# recursively included by "src/ios_foo/DEPS" should also require
# "checkout_ios=True".
if self.condition:
for value in deps.values():
for value in processed_deps.values():
gclient_eval.UpdateCondition(value, 'and', self.condition)
if rel_prefix:
logging.warning('use_relative_paths enabled.')
rel_deps = {}
for d, url in deps.items():
# normpath is required to allow DEPS to use .. in their
# dependency local path.
rel_deps[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(rel_prefix, d))] = url
logging.warning('Updating deps by prepending %s.', rel_prefix)
deps = rel_deps
if not rel_prefix:
return processed_deps
return deps
logging.warning('use_relative_paths enabled.')
rel_deps = {}
for d, url in processed_deps.items():
# normpath is required to allow DEPS to use .. in their
# dependency local path.
rel_deps[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(rel_prefix, d))] = url
logging.warning('Updating deps by prepending %s.', rel_prefix)
return rel_deps
def _deps_to_objects(self, deps, use_relative_paths):
"""Convert a deps dict to a dict of Dependency objects."""
# type: (Mapping[str, Mapping[str, str]], bool) -> Sequence[Dependency]
"""Convert a deps dict to a list of Dependency objects."""
deps_to_add = []
cached_conditions = {}
for name, dep_value in deps.items():
......@@ -709,10 +734,13 @@ class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings):
# TODO( Understand why we need this and remove
# it if we don't.
deps_to_add.sort(key=lambda x:
return deps_to_add
def ParseDepsFile(self):
# type: () -> None
"""Parses the DEPS file for this dependency."""
assert not self.deps_parsed
assert not self.dependencies
......@@ -836,19 +864,21 @@ class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings):
logging.warning('Updating hook base working directory to %s.',
# Only add all hooks if we should sync, otherwise just add custom hooks.
# override named sets of hooks by the custom hooks
hooks_to_run = []
hook_names_to_suppress = [c.get('name', '') for c in self.custom_hooks]
for hook in local_scope.get('hooks', []):
if hook.get('name', '') not in hook_names_to_suppress:
if self._should_sync:
hook_names_to_suppress = [c.get('name', '') for c in self.custom_hooks]
for hook in local_scope.get('hooks', []):
if hook.get('name', '') not in hook_names_to_suppress:
# add the replacements and any additions
for hook in self.custom_hooks:
if 'action' in hook:
if self.should_recurse:
if self.should_recurse and deps_to_add:
self._pre_deps_hooks = [
Hook.from_dict(hook, variables=self.get_vars(), verbose=True,
conditions=self.condition, cwd_base=hooks_cwd)
......@@ -930,8 +960,17 @@ class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings):
# Arguments number differs from overridden method
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
def run(self, revision_overrides, command, args, work_queue, options,
patch_refs, target_branches):
def run(
revision_overrides, # type: Mapping[str, str]
command, # type: str
args, # type: Sequence[str]
work_queue, # type: ExecutionQueue
options, # type: optparse.Values
patch_refs, # type: Mapping[str, str]
target_branches # type: Mapping[str, str]
# type: () -> None
"""Runs |command| then parse the DEPS file."""'Dependency(%s).run()' %
assert self._file_list == []
......@@ -995,6 +1034,8 @@ class Dependency(gclient_utils.WorkItem, DependencySettings):
while file_list[i].startswith(('\\', '/')):
file_list[i] = file_list[i][1:]
# TODO( Pass skip_sync_revisions into this run()
# and check for DEPS diffs to set self._should_sync.
if self.should_recurse:
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import logging
import ntpath
import os
import sys
import six
import unittest
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
......@@ -35,7 +36,6 @@ import gclient_utils
import gclient_scm
from testing_support import trial_dir
def write(filename, content):
"""Writes the content of a file and create the directories as needed."""
filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
......@@ -1294,6 +1294,113 @@ class GclientTest(trial_dir.TestCase):
self.assertIsInstance(dep, gclient.GitDependency)
self.assertEqual('', dep.url)
def testParseDepsFile_FalseShouldSync_WithCustoms(self):
"""Only process custom_deps/hooks when should_sync is False."""
solutions = [{
'custom_deps': {
'override/foo': '',
'new/foo': 'https://example.come/newfoo@123'
'custom_hooks': [{
'name': 'overridehook',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['echo', 'chicken']
}, {
'name': 'newhook',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['echo', 'chick']
write('.gclient', 'solutions = %s' % repr(solutions))
deps = {
'override/foo': '',
'notouch/foo': ''
hooks = [{
'name': 'overridehook',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['echo', 'cow']
}, {
'name': 'notouchhook',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['echo', 'fail']
pre_deps_hooks = [{
'name': 'runfirst',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['echo', 'prehook']
os.path.join('chicken', 'DEPS'), 'deps = %s\n'
'hooks = %s\n'
'pre_deps_hooks = %s' % (repr(deps), repr(hooks), repr(pre_deps_hooks)))
expected_dep_names = ['override/foo', 'new/foo']
expected_hook_names = ['overridehook', 'newhook']
options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([])
client = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
self.assertEqual(1, len(client.dependencies))
sol = client.dependencies[0]
sol._should_sync = False
self.assertEqual(1, len(sol.pre_deps_hooks))
six.assertCountEqual(self, expected_dep_names,
[ for d in sol.dependencies])
six.assertCountEqual(self, expected_hook_names,
[ for h in sol._deps_hooks])
def testParseDepsFile_FalseShouldSync_NoCustoms(self):
"""Parse DEPS when should_sync is False and no custom hooks/deps."""
solutions = [{
'name': 'chicken',
'url': '',
'deps_file': '.DEPS.git',
write('.gclient', 'solutions = %s' % repr(solutions))
deps = {
'override/foo': '',
'notouch/foo': ''
hooks = [{
'name': 'overridehook',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['echo', 'cow']
}, {
'name': 'notouchhook',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['echo', 'fail']
pre_deps_hooks = [{
'name': 'runfirst',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['echo', 'prehook']
os.path.join('chicken', 'DEPS'), 'deps = %s\n'
'hooks = %s\n'
'pre_deps_hooks = %s' % (repr(deps), repr(hooks), repr(pre_deps_hooks)))
options, _ = gclient.OptionParser().parse_args([])
client = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
self.assertEqual(1, len(client.dependencies))
sol = client.dependencies[0]
sol._should_sync = False
def testSameDirAllowMultipleCipdDeps(self):
"""Verifies gclient allow multiple cipd deps under same directory."""
parser = gclient.OptionParser()
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