Commit 18aa2d93 authored by Dan Jacques's avatar Dan Jacques Committed by Commit Bot

[cipd] Bump version, log at warning.

Bump the CIPD client version to
e2a98b41adb3403b5b7771c4101b42a55dc2dd9e. This version inculdes support
for the "-log-level" flag.

Update CIPD bootstrap scripts and tool installation scripts to log at
warning level, so that standard operation doesn't produce any logs.

  - Tested this CIPD version on canary waterfall successfully.
  - Tested "gclient" bootstrap and "vpython" / "led" on Windows system,
    no output and works.
  - Tested "vpython" / "led" on OSX system, no output and works.

Change-Id: Iae316908283c43c504f293aafdf897df83dccf8d
Reviewed-on: 's avatarRobbie Iannucci <>
Commit-Queue: Daniel Jacques <>
parent fc6196b3
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ set WIN_TOOLS_EXTRA_ARGS=%WIN_TOOLS_EXTRA_ARGS% --win-tools-name "%WIN_TOOLS_NAM
:: Install our CIPD packages. The CIPD client self-bootstraps.
:: See "//cipd.bat" and "//cipd.ps1" for more information.
call "%CIPD_EXE%" ensure -ensure-file "%~dp0%CIPD_MANIFEST%" -root "%WIN_TOOLS_PATH%"
call "%CIPD_EXE%" ensure -log-level warning -ensure-file "%~dp0%CIPD_MANIFEST%" -root "%WIN_TOOLS_PATH%"
if errorlevel 1 goto :END
:: This executes "" using the bundle's Python interpreter.
......@@ -49,8 +49,6 @@ CLIENT="$MYPATH/.cipd_client"
USER_AGENT="depot_tools/$(git -C $MYPATH rev-parse HEAD 2>/dev/null || echo "???")"
if [ ! -e "$CLIENT" ]; then
echo "Bootstrapping cipd client for ${PLAT}-${ARCH}..."
echo "From $URL"
if hash curl 2> /dev/null ; then
# Download the client into a temporary file, then move it into the final
# location atomically.
......@@ -60,7 +58,7 @@ if [ ! -e "$CLIENT" ]; then
mktemp -p "$MYPATH" 2>/dev/null || \
mktemp "$MYPATH/.cipd_client.XXXXXXX")
curl "$URL" -f -A "$USER_AGENT" -L -o "$CIPD_CLIENT_TMP"
curl "$URL" -s --show-error -f -A "$USER_AGENT" -L -o "$CIPD_CLIENT_TMP"
chmod +x "$CIPD_CLIENT_TMP"
set +e
......@@ -78,7 +76,7 @@ if [ ! -e "$CLIENT" ]; then
if ! "$CLIENT" selfupdate -version "$CIPD_CLIENT_VER" ; then
if ! "$CLIENT" selfupdate -log-level warning -version "$CIPD_CLIENT_VER" ; then
echo -n "selfupdate failed: " 1>&2
echo "run \`CIPD_HTTP_USER_AGENT_PREFIX=$USER_AGENT/manual $CLIENT selfupdate -version '$CIPD_CLIENT_VER'\` to diagnose" 1>&2
echo "" 1>&2
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ if not exist "%~dp0.cipd_client.exe" (
for /f %%i in (%~dp0cipd_client_version) do set CIPD_CLIENT_VER=%%i
"%~dp0.cipd_client.exe" selfupdate -version "%CIPD_CLIENT_VER%"
"%~dp0.cipd_client.exe" selfupdate -log-level warning -version "%CIPD_CLIENT_VER%"
if not errorlevel 0 goto :END
"%~dp0.cipd_client.exe" %*
......@@ -49,9 +49,6 @@ while ($true) {
$cipd_lock_file = [IO.File]::OpenWrite($cipd_lock)
if (!(Test-Path $client)) {
echo "Bootstrapping cipd client for $plat-$arch..."
echo "From $url"
# TODO(iannucci): It would be really nice if there was a way to get this to
# show progress without also completely destroying the download speed, but
# I can't seem to find a way to do it. Patches welcome :)
......@@ -61,7 +58,6 @@ while ($true) {
} catch {
echo "CIPD lock is held, trying again after delay..."
Start-Sleep -s 1
} finally {
if ($cipd_lock_file) {
......@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
:: Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
:: found in the LICENSE file.
"%~dp0\cipd.bat" ensure -ensure-file "%~dp0\cipd_manifest.txt" -root "%~dp0\.cipd_bin"
"%~dp0\cipd.bat" ensure -log-level warning -ensure-file "%~dp0\cipd_manifest.txt" -root "%~dp0\.cipd_bin"
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
function cipd_bin_setup {
local MYPATH=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
"$MYPATH/cipd" ensure -ensure-file "$MYPATH/cipd_manifest.txt" \
"$MYPATH/cipd" ensure \
-log-level warning \
-ensure-file "$MYPATH/cipd_manifest.txt" \
-root "$MYPATH/.cipd_bin"
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