Allow specificying that only target_os should be used in a gclient file

This allows specificying that a target OS list should override the base
list instead of adding to it. This is useful for iOS builds, where the
desired behavior is to pull only the iOS deps, not the union of the Mac
and iOS deps.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
parent fdf5ca83
......@@ -55,6 +55,13 @@ Specifying a target OS
target_os = [ "android" ]
If the "target_os_only" key is also present and true, then *only* the
operating systems listed in "target_os" will be used.
target_os = [ "ios" ]
target_os_only = True
__version__ = "0.6.4"
......@@ -886,7 +893,14 @@ solutions = [
# Append any target OS that is not already being enforced to the tuple.
target_os = config_dict.get('target_os', [])
self._enforced_os = tuple(set(self._enforced_os).union(target_os))
if config_dict.get('target_os_only', False):
self._enforced_os = tuple(set(target_os))
self._enforced_os = tuple(set(self._enforced_os).union(target_os))
if not target_os and config_dict.get('target_os_only', False):
raise gclient_utils.Error('Can\'t use target_os_only if target_os is '
'not specified')
deps_to_add = []
for s in config_dict.get('solutions', []):
......@@ -307,6 +307,73 @@ class GclientTest(trial_dir.TestCase):
obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
self.assertEqual(['baz', 'unix'], sorted(obj.enforced_os))
def testTargetOsWithTargetOsOnly(self):
"""Verifies that specifying a target_os and target_os_only pulls in only
the relevant dependencies.
The target_os variable allows specifying the name of an additional OS which
should be considered when selecting dependencies from a DEPS' deps_os. With
target_os_only also set, the _enforced_os tuple will be set to only the
target_os value.
'solutions = [\n'
' { "name": "foo",\n'
' "url": "svn://",\n'
' }]\n'
'target_os = ["baz"]\n'
'target_os_only = True')
os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'),
'deps = {\n'
' "foo/dir1": "/dir1",'
'deps_os = {\n'
' "unix": { "foo/dir2": "/dir2", },\n'
' "baz": { "foo/dir3": "/dir3", },\n'
parser = gclient.Parser()
options, _ = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1'])
options.deps_os = "unix"
obj = gclient.GClient.LoadCurrentConfig(options)
self.assertEqual(['baz'], sorted(obj.enforced_os))
def testTargetOsOnlyWithoutTargetOs(self):
"""Verifies that specifying a target_os_only without target_os_only raises
an exception.
'solutions = [\n'
' { "name": "foo",\n'
' "url": "svn://",\n'
' }]\n'
'target_os_only = True')
os.path.join('foo', 'DEPS'),
'deps = {\n'
' "foo/dir1": "/dir1",'
'deps_os = {\n'
' "unix": { "foo/dir2": "/dir2", },\n'
parser = gclient.Parser()
options, _ = parser.parse_args(['--jobs', '1'])
options.deps_os = "unix"
exception_raised = False
except gclient_utils.Error:
exception_raised = True
def testTargetOsInDepsFile(self):
"""Verifies that specifying a target_os value in a DEPS file pulls in all
relevant dependencies.
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