Commit 1678a364 authored by Kenneth Russell's avatar Kenneth Russell Committed by Commit Bot

Add presubmit_support.EnsureCQIncludeTrybotsAreAdded.

The PostUploadHooks in the Chromium repository which add
CQ_INCLUDE_TRYBOTS entries to the issue description will be rewritten
in terms of this primitive, which will compose properly if multiple
sub-directories attempt to modify it.


Change-Id: Icf72edb872f29af1e082038e96bc547504edfd07
Reviewed-on: 's avatarMarc-Antoine Ruel <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarAndrii Shyshkalov <>
Commit-Queue: Kenneth Russell <>
parent 52a23b35
......@@ -1096,6 +1096,42 @@ def DoPostUploadExecuter(change,
return results
# This helper function should be used by any PostUploadHook wishing to
# add entries to the CQ_INCLUDE_TRYBOTS line. It returns the results
# that should be returned from the PostUploadHook.
def EnsureCQIncludeTrybotsAreAdded(cl, bots_to_include, message, output_api):
"""Helper to be used by any PostUploadHook wishing to add CQ_INCLUDE_TRYBOTS.
Merges the bots_to_include into the current CQ_INCLUDE_TRYBOTS list,
keeping it alphabetically sorted. Returns the results that should be
returned from the PostUploadHook.
cl: The git_cl.Changelist object.
bots_to_include: A list of strings of bots to include, in the form
message: A message to be printed in the case that
output_api: An OutputApi instance used to display messages.
rietveld_obj = cl.RpcServer()
issue = cl.issue
description = rietveld_obj.get_description(issue)
all_bots = []
include_re = re.compile(r'^CQ_INCLUDE_TRYBOTS=(.*)', re.M | re.I)
m =
if m:
all_bots = [i.strip() for i in';') if i.strip()]
if not (set(all_bots) - set(bots_to_include)):
return []
# Sort the bots to keep them in some consistent order -- not required.
all_bots = sorted(set(all_bots) | set(bots_to_include))
new_include_trybots = 'CQ_INCLUDE_TRYBOTS=%s' % ';'.join(all_bots)
new_description = include_re.sub(new_include_trybots, description)
rietveld_obj.update_description(issue, new_description)
return [output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult(message)]
class PresubmitExecuter(object):
def __init__(self, change, committing, rietveld_obj, verbose,
gerrit_obj=None, dry_run=None):
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class PresubmitUnittest(PresubmitTestsBase):
'subprocess', 'sys', 'tempfile', 'time', 'traceback', 'types', 'unittest',
'urllib2', 'warn', 'multiprocessing', 'DoGetTryMasters',
'GetTryMastersExecuter', 'itertools', 'urlparse', 'gerrit_util',
'GerritAccessor', 'EnsureCQIncludeTrybotsAreAdded',
# If this test fails, you should add the relevant test.
self.compareMembers(presubmit, members)
......@@ -955,6 +955,53 @@ def CheckChangeOnCommit(input_api, output_api):
except SystemExit, e:
self.assertEquals(2, e.code)
def testEnsureCQIncludeTrybotsAreAdded(self):
# Deliberately has a space at the end to exercise space-stripping code.
cl_text = """A change to GPU-related code.
updated_cl_text = """A change to GPU-related code.
class FakeIssue(object):
def __init__(self, description):
self.description = description
class FakeRietveld(object):
def get_description(self, issue):
return issue.description
def update_description(self, issue, new_description):
issue.description = new_description
class FakeCL(object):
def __init__(self, description):
self.issue = FakeIssue(description)
def RpcServer(self):
return FakeRietveld()
class FakeOutputAPI(object):
def PresubmitNotifyResult(self, message):
return message
cl = FakeCL(cl_text)
message = 'Automatically added optional GPU tests to run on CQ.'
results = presubmit.EnsureCQIncludeTrybotsAreAdded(
self.assertEqual(updated_cl_text, cl.issue.description)
self.assertEqual([message], results)
class InputApiUnittest(PresubmitTestsBase):
"""Tests presubmit.InputApi."""
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