Commit 10e07dd3 authored by Erik Staab's avatar Erik Staab Committed by Commit Bot

[depot_tools] Add new tryjob failure types TEST_TIMEOUT and TEST_EXPIRED.

Bug: 850653
Change-Id: I3bbf0c423076fd42d5fb8f5cae193ffa8b1d63a5
Commit-Queue: Robbie Iannucci <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarRobbie Iannucci <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarStephen Martinis <>
parent a8ecea52
......@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ Returns:
#### **class [TryserverApi](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/[RecipeApi][recipe_engine/wkt/RecipeApi]):**
&mdash; **def [add\_failure\_reason](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, reason):**
&mdash; **def [add\_failure\_reason](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, reason):**
Records a more detailed reason why build is failing.
......@@ -820,11 +820,11 @@ Argument:
Returned paths will be relative to to patch_root.
&mdash; **def [get\_footer](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, tag, patch_text=None):**
&mdash; **def [get\_footer](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, tag, patch_text=None):**
Gets a specific tag from a CL description
&mdash; **def [get\_footers](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, patch_text=None):**
&mdash; **def [get\_footers](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, patch_text=None):**
Retrieves footers from the patch description.
......@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ Returns true iff the properties exist to match a Gerrit issue.
Returns true iff we have a change to check out.
&mdash; **def [normalize\_footer\_name](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, footer):**
&mdash; **def [normalize\_footer\_name](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/, footer):**
&mdash; **def [set\_compile\_failure\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
......@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ A flag to indicate the build should not be retried by the CQ.
This mechanism is used to reduce CQ duration when retrying will likely
return an identical result.
&emsp; **@contextlib.contextmanager**<br>&mdash; **def [set\_failure\_hash](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
&emsp; **@contextlib.contextmanager**<br>&mdash; **def [set\_failure\_hash](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
Context manager that sets a failure_hash build property on StepFailure.
......@@ -884,12 +884,26 @@ Adds a subproject tag to the build.
This can be used to distinguish between builds that execute different steps
depending on what was patched, e.g. blink vs. pure chromium patches.
&mdash; **def [set\_test\_expired\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
Mark the tryjob result as a test expiration.
This means a test task expired and was never scheduled, most likely due to
lack of capacity.
&mdash; **def [set\_test\_failure\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
Mark the tryjob result as a test failure.
This means we started running actual tests (not prerequisite steps
like checkout or compile), and some of these tests have failed.
&mdash; **def [set\_test\_timeout\_tryjob\_result](/recipes/recipe_modules/tryserver/**
Mark the tryjob result as a test timeout.
This means tests were scheduled but didn't finish executing within the
### *recipe_modules* / [windows\_sdk](/recipes/recipe_modules/windows_sdk)
[DEPS](/recipes/recipe_modules/windows_sdk/ [recipe\_engine/cipd][recipe_engine/recipe_modules/cipd], [recipe\_engine/context][recipe_engine/recipe_modules/context], [recipe\_engine/json][recipe_engine/recipe_modules/json], [recipe\_engine/path][recipe_engine/recipe_modules/path], [recipe\_engine/step][recipe_engine/recipe_modules/step]
......@@ -218,6 +218,22 @@ class TryserverApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
def set_test_timeout_tryjob_result(self):
"""Mark the tryjob result as a test timeout.
This means tests were scheduled but didn't finish executing within the
def set_test_expired_tryjob_result(self):
"""Mark the tryjob result as a test expiration.
This means a test task expired and was never scheduled, most likely due to
lack of capacity.
def add_failure_reason(self, reason):
Records a more detailed reason why build is failing.
......@@ -170,6 +170,24 @@
"cmd": [],
"name": "TRYJOB FAILURE (5)",
"~followup_annotations": [
"cmd": [],
"name": "TRYJOB FAILURE (6)",
"~followup_annotations": [
"cmd": [
......@@ -170,6 +170,24 @@
"cmd": [],
"name": "TRYJOB FAILURE (5)",
"~followup_annotations": [
"cmd": [],
"name": "TRYJOB FAILURE (6)",
"~followup_annotations": [
"cmd": [
......@@ -67,6 +67,24 @@
"cmd": [],
"name": "TRYJOB FAILURE (5)",
"~followup_annotations": [
"cmd": [],
"name": "TRYJOB FAILURE (6)",
"~followup_annotations": [
"cmd": [
......@@ -67,6 +67,24 @@
"cmd": [],
"name": "TRYJOB FAILURE (5)",
"~followup_annotations": [
"cmd": [],
"name": "TRYJOB FAILURE (6)",
"~followup_annotations": [
"cmd": [
......@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ def RunSteps(api):
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