Commit 0cfa90e2 authored by Chris Blume's avatar Chris Blume Committed by LUCI CQ

Adjust variable names to match style guide

Currently, several non-consts are named as if they are const. The style
guide has a naming convention that fits these more accurately.

This CL changes the names to match the style guide.

Change-Id: Ib3425b76208e853b9049abe0e1be40e179124c57
Reviewed-on: 's avatarBruce Dawson <>
Commit-Queue: Chris Blume <>
Auto-Submit: Chris Blume <>
parent d6d7a050
......@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ import zipfile
import get_toolchain_if_necessary
_vs_version = None
_win_version = None
_vc_tools = None
SUPPORTED_VS_VERSIONS = ['2017', '2019']
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def GetVSPath():
for line in output.splitlines():
if line.startswith(marker):
return line[len(marker):]
raise Exception('VS %s path not found in vswhere output' % (VS_VERSION))
raise Exception('VS %s path not found in vswhere output' % (_vs_version))
def ExpandWildcards(root, sub_dir):
......@@ -106,22 +106,22 @@ def BuildFileList(override_dir, include_arm):
'DIA SDK/idl',
'DIA SDK/include',
'DIA SDK/lib',
VC_TOOLS + '/atlmfc',
VC_TOOLS + '/crt',
_vc_tools + '/atlmfc',
_vc_tools + '/crt',
if override_dir:
paths += [
(os.path.join(override_dir, 'bin'), VC_TOOLS + '/bin'),
(os.path.join(override_dir, 'include'), VC_TOOLS + '/include'),
(os.path.join(override_dir, 'lib'), VC_TOOLS + '/lib'),
(os.path.join(override_dir, 'bin'), _vc_tools + '/bin'),
(os.path.join(override_dir, 'include'), _vc_tools + '/include'),
(os.path.join(override_dir, 'lib'), _vc_tools + '/lib'),
paths += [
VC_TOOLS + '/bin',
VC_TOOLS + '/include',
VC_TOOLS + '/lib',
_vc_tools + '/bin',
_vc_tools + '/include',
_vc_tools + '/lib',
paths += [
......@@ -216,15 +216,15 @@ def BuildFileList(override_dir, include_arm):
# path with 10.0.15063.0.
if (tail.startswith('Include\\') or tail.startswith('Lib\\') or
tail.startswith('Source\\') or tail.startswith('bin\\')):
if tail.count(WIN_VERSION) == 0:
if tail.count(_win_version) == 0:
to = os.path.join('Windows Kits', '10', tail)
result.append((combined, to))
# Copy the x86 ucrt DLLs to all directories with x86 binaries that are
# added to the path by SetEnv.cmd, and to sys32. Starting with the 17763
# SDK the ucrt files are in WIN_VERSION\ucrt instead of just ucrt.
ucrt_dir = os.path.join(sdk_path, 'redist', WIN_VERSION, r'ucrt\dlls\x86')
# SDK the ucrt files are in _win_version\ucrt instead of just ucrt.
ucrt_dir = os.path.join(sdk_path, 'redist', _win_version, r'ucrt\dlls\x86')
if not os.path.exists(ucrt_dir):
ucrt_dir = os.path.join(sdk_path, r'redist\ucrt\dlls\x86')
ucrt_paths = glob.glob(ucrt_dir + r'\*')
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ def BuildFileList(override_dir, include_arm):
# Copy the x64 ucrt DLLs to all directories with x64 binaries that are
# added to the path by SetEnv.cmd, and to sys64.
ucrt_dir = os.path.join(sdk_path, 'redist', WIN_VERSION, r'ucrt\dlls\x64')
ucrt_dir = os.path.join(sdk_path, 'redist', _win_version, r'ucrt\dlls\x64')
if not os.path.exists(ucrt_dir):
ucrt_dir = os.path.join(sdk_path, r'redist\ucrt\dlls\x64')
ucrt_paths = glob.glob(ucrt_dir + r'\*')
......@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ def BuildFileList(override_dir, include_arm):
for system_crt_file in system_crt_files:
for cpu_pair in cpu_pairs:
target_cpu, dest_dir = cpu_pair
src_path = os.path.join(sdk_path, 'bin', WIN_VERSION, target_cpu, 'ucrt')
src_path = os.path.join(sdk_path, 'bin', _win_version, target_cpu, 'ucrt')
result.append((os.path.join(src_path, system_crt_file),
os.path.join(dest_dir, system_crt_file)))
......@@ -283,22 +283,22 @@ def GenerateSetEnvCmd(target_dir):
This is normally generated by a full install of the SDK, but we
do it here manually since we do not do a full install."""
vc_tools_parts = VC_TOOLS.split('/')
vc_tools_parts = _vc_tools.split('/')
# All these paths are relative to the root of the toolchain package.
include_dirs = [
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Include', WIN_VERSION, 'um'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Include', WIN_VERSION, 'shared'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Include', WIN_VERSION, 'winrt'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Include', _win_version, 'um'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Include', _win_version, 'shared'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Include', _win_version, 'winrt'],
include_dirs.append(['Windows Kits', '10', 'Include', WIN_VERSION, 'ucrt'])
include_dirs.append(['Windows Kits', '10', 'Include', _win_version, 'ucrt'])
vc_tools_parts + ['include'],
vc_tools_parts + ['atlmfc', 'include'],
libpath_dirs = [
vc_tools_parts + ['lib', 'x86', 'store', 'references'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'UnionMetadata', WIN_VERSION],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'UnionMetadata', _win_version],
# Common to x86, x64, and arm64
env = collections.OrderedDict([
......@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@ def GenerateSetEnvCmd(target_dir):
['Windows Kits', '10', 'bin', WIN_VERSION, 'x64'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'bin', _win_version, 'x64'],
vc_tools_parts + ['bin', 'HostX64', 'x86'],
vc_tools_parts + ['bin', 'HostX64', 'x64'
], # Needed for mspdb1x0.dll.
('LIB', [
vc_tools_parts + ['lib', 'x86'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Lib', WIN_VERSION, 'um', 'x86'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Lib', WIN_VERSION, 'ucrt', 'x86'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Lib', _win_version, 'um', 'x86'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Lib', _win_version, 'ucrt', 'x86'],
vc_tools_parts + ['atlmfc', 'lib', 'x86'],
......@@ -333,13 +333,13 @@ def GenerateSetEnvCmd(target_dir):
# x64.
env_x64 = collections.OrderedDict([
('PATH', [
['Windows Kits', '10', 'bin', WIN_VERSION, 'x64'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'bin', _win_version, 'x64'],
vc_tools_parts + ['bin', 'HostX64', 'x64'],
('LIB', [
vc_tools_parts + ['lib', 'x64'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Lib', WIN_VERSION, 'um', 'x64'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Lib', WIN_VERSION, 'ucrt', 'x64'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Lib', _win_version, 'um', 'x64'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Lib', _win_version, 'ucrt', 'x64'],
vc_tools_parts + ['atlmfc', 'lib', 'x64'],
......@@ -347,14 +347,14 @@ def GenerateSetEnvCmd(target_dir):
# arm64.
env_arm64 = collections.OrderedDict([
('PATH', [
['Windows Kits', '10', 'bin', WIN_VERSION, 'x64'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'bin', _win_version, 'x64'],
vc_tools_parts + ['bin', 'HostX64', 'arm64'],
vc_tools_parts + ['bin', 'HostX64', 'x64'],
('LIB', [
vc_tools_parts + ['lib', 'arm64'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Lib', WIN_VERSION, 'um', 'arm64'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Lib', WIN_VERSION, 'ucrt', 'arm64'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Lib', _win_version, 'um', 'arm64'],
['Windows Kits', '10', 'Lib', _win_version, 'ucrt', 'arm64'],
vc_tools_parts + ['atlmfc', 'lib', 'arm64'],
......@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ def AddEnvSetup(files, include_arm):
'Windows Kits\\10\\bin\\SetEnv.arm64.json'))
vs_version_file = os.path.join(tempdir, 'VS_VERSION')
with open(vs_version_file, 'wt', newline='') as version:
print(VS_VERSION, file=version)
print(_vs_version, file=version)
files.append((vs_version_file, 'VS_VERSION'))
......@@ -494,17 +494,17 @@ def main():
print('Invalid override directory - must contain bin/include/lib dirs')
return 1
VS_VERSION = args[0]
WIN_VERSION = options.winver
global VC_TOOLS
global _vs_version
_vs_version = args[0]
global _win_version
_win_version = options.winver
global _vc_tools
vs_path = GetVSPath()
temp_tools_path = ExpandWildcards(vs_path, 'VC/Tools/MSVC/14.*.*')
# Strip off the leading vs_path characters and switch back to / separators.
VC_TOOLS = temp_tools_path[len(vs_path) + 1:].replace('\\', '/')
_vc_tools = temp_tools_path[len(vs_path) + 1:].replace('\\', '/')
print('Building file list for VS %s Windows %s...' % (VS_VERSION, WIN_VERSION))
print('Building file list for VS %s Windows %s...' % (_vs_version, _win_version))
files = BuildFileList(options.override_dir, options.arm)
AddEnvSetup(files, options.arm)
......@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ def main():
sys.stdout.write('\r%d/%d ...%s' % (count, len(files), disk_name[-40:]))
count += 1
if not options.repackage_dir and disk_name.count(WIN_VERSION) > 0:
if not options.repackage_dir and disk_name.count(_win_version) > 0:
version_match_count += 1
if os.path.exists(disk_name):
total_size += os.path.getsize(disk_name)
......@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ def main():
sys.stdout.write('\r%s does not exist.\n\n' % disk_name)
sys.stdout.write('\r%1.3f GB of data in %d files, %d files for %s.%s\n' %
(total_size / 1e9, count, version_match_count, WIN_VERSION, ' '*50))
(total_size / 1e9, count, version_match_count, _win_version, ' '*50))
if options.dryrun:
return 0
if missing_files:
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