Commit 09f1f3dd authored by Robert Iannucci's avatar Robert Iannucci Committed by Commit Bot

[git-cl] Add cl methods for dealing with git footers.

This is needed for making PostUploadHooks that don't have to re-invent
the git footers library.


Change-Id: I0a0ccf3dffd25152c2c273487ddbd9b279d80678
Reviewed-on: 's avatarAaron Gable <>
Commit-Queue: Robbie Iannucci <>
parent f27fae2f
......@@ -1402,6 +1402,22 @@ class Changelist(object):
return '\n'.join([wrapper.fill(line) for line in lines])
return self.description
def GetDescriptionFooters(self):
"""Returns (non_footer_lines, footers) for the commit message.
non_footer_lines (list(str)) - Simple list of description lines without
any footer. The lines do not contain newlines, nor does the list contain
the empty line between the message and the footers.
footers (list(tuple(KEY, VALUE))) - List of parsed footers, e.g.
[("Change-Id", "Ideadbeef...."), ...]
raw_description = self.GetDescription()
msg_lines, _, footers = git_footers.split_footers(raw_description)
if footers:
msg_lines = msg_lines[:len(msg_lines)-1]
return msg_lines, footers
def GetPatchset(self):
"""Returns the patchset number as a int or None if not set."""
if self.patchset is None and not self.lookedup_patchset:
......@@ -1497,6 +1513,29 @@ class Changelist(object):
self.description = description
self.has_description = True
def UpdateDescriptionFooters(self, description_lines, footers, force=False):
"""Sets the description for this CL remotely.
You can get description_lines and footers with GetDescriptionFooters.
description_lines (list(str)) - List of CL description lines without
newline characters.
footers (list(tuple(KEY, VALUE))) - List of footers, as returned by
GetDescriptionFooters. Key must conform to the git footers format (i.e.
`List-Of-Tokens`). It will be case-normalized so that each token is
new_description = '\n'.join(description_lines)
if footers:
new_description += '\n'
for k, v in footers:
foot = '%s: %s' % (git_footers.normalize_name(k), v)
if not git_footers.FOOTER_PATTERN.match(foot):
raise ValueError('Invalid footer %r' % foot)
new_description += foot + '\n'
self.UpdateDescription(new_description, force)
def RunHook(self, committing, may_prompt, verbose, change):
"""Calls sys.exit() if the hook fails; returns a HookResults otherwise."""
......@@ -185,6 +185,40 @@ class TestGitClBasic(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(cl.GetDescription(force=True), 'y')
self.assertEquals(cl.GetDescription(), 'y')
def test_description_footers(self):
cl = git_cl.Changelist(issue=1, codereview='gerrit',
cl.description = '\n'.join([
'This is some message',
'It has some lines',
'and, also',
'Some: Really',
'Awesome: Footers',
cl.has_description = True
cl._codereview_impl.UpdateDescriptionRemote = lambda *a, **kw: 'y'
msg, footers = cl.GetDescriptionFooters()
msg, ['This is some message', '', 'It has some lines', 'and, also'])
self.assertEquals(footers, [('Some', 'Really'), ('Awesome', 'Footers')])
footers.append(('gnarly-dude', 'beans'))
cl.UpdateDescriptionFooters(msg, footers)
self.assertEquals(cl.GetDescription().splitlines(), [
'This is some message',
'It has some lines',
'and, also',
'Some: Really',
'Awesome: Footers',
'Gnarly-Dude: beans',
def _test_ParseIssueUrl(self, func, url, issue, patchset, hostname, fail):
parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url)
result = func(parsed)
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