Commit 09e0b38f authored by Nico Weber's avatar Nico Weber Committed by Commit Bot

Move gclient path access to separate module. is a kitchen sink and is for that reason expensive
to import. Move the comparatively cheap and simple path routines
to a new gclient_paths module and use that in,,

(To be able to move FindGclientRoot() to,
make it use instead of FileRead(). FileRead() tries
to paper over invalid utf-8, but that was added for presubmits,
not for .gclient files, so this is hopefully fine.)

Cuts overhead in half (on my Windows laptop from 0.6s to 0.25s,
still high; on my Mac laptop from 0.1s to 0.05s), and probably helps
the other two too.

Completely remove PathDifference() since it's unused.

Bug: 939959
Change-Id: I6a70f6e4c16062b622fb2df8778e8a598d4cc956
Commit-Queue: Nico Weber <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarAndrii Shyshkalov <>
parent 3485a263
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ clang-format binaries are pulled down from Google Cloud Storage whenever you
sync Chrome, to platform-specific locations. This script knows how to locate
those tools, assuming the script is invoked from inside a Chromium checkout."""
import gclient_utils
import gclient_paths
import os
import subprocess
import sys
......@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ class NotFoundError(Exception):
def FindClangFormatToolInChromiumTree():
"""Return a path to the clang-format executable, or die trying."""
bin_path = gclient_utils.GetBuildtoolsPlatformBinaryPath()
bin_path = gclient_paths.GetBuildtoolsPlatformBinaryPath()
if not bin_path:
raise NotFoundError(
'Could not find checkout in any parent of the current path.\n'
'Set CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH to use outside of a chromium checkout.')
tool_path = os.path.join(bin_path,
'clang-format' + gclient_utils.GetExeSuffix())
'clang-format' + gclient_paths.GetExeSuffix())
if not os.path.exists(tool_path):
raise NotFoundError('File does not exist: %s' % tool_path)
return tool_path
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def FindClangFormatToolInChromiumTree():
def FindClangFormatScriptInChromiumTree(script_name):
"""Return a path to a clang-format helper script, or die trying."""
tools_path = gclient_utils.GetBuildtoolsPath()
tools_path = gclient_paths.GetBuildtoolsPath()
if not tools_path:
raise NotFoundError(
'Could not find checkout in any parent of the current path.\n',
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import os
import subprocess
import sys
import gclient_utils
import gclient_paths
class NotFoundError(Exception):
"""A file could not be found."""
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class NotFoundError(Exception):
def FindDartFmtToolInChromiumTree():
"""Return a path to the dartfmt executable, or die trying."""
primary_solution_path = gclient_utils.GetPrimarySolutionPath()
primary_solution_path = gclient_paths.GetPrimarySolutionPath()
if not primary_solution_path:
raise NotFoundError(
'Could not find checkout in any parent of the current path.')
......@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ import detect_host_arch
import fix_encoding
import gclient_eval
import gclient_scm
import gclient_paths
import gclient_utils
import git_cache
import metrics
......@@ -1459,7 +1460,7 @@ it or fix the checkout.
if options.verbose:
print('Looking for %s starting from %s\n' % (
options.config_filename, os.getcwd()))
path = gclient_utils.FindGclientRoot(os.getcwd(), options.config_filename)
path = gclient_paths.FindGclientRoot(os.getcwd(), options.config_filename)
if not path:
if options.verbose:
print('Couldn\'t find configuration file.')
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file is imported by various thin wrappers (around gn, clang-format, ...),
# so it's meant to import very quickly. To keep it that way don't add more
# code, and even more importantly don't add more toplevel import statements.
import os
def FindGclientRoot(from_dir, filename='.gclient'):
"""Tries to find the gclient root."""
real_from_dir = os.path.realpath(from_dir)
path = real_from_dir
while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, filename)):
split_path = os.path.split(path)
if not split_path[1]:
return None
path = split_path[0]
# If we did not find the file in the current directory, make sure we are in a
# sub directory that is controlled by this configuration.
if path != real_from_dir:
entries_filename = os.path.join(path, filename + '_entries')
if not os.path.exists(entries_filename):
import sys
# If .gclient_entries does not exist, a previous call to gclient sync
# might have failed. In that case, we cannot verify that the .gclient
# is the one we want to use. In order to not to cause too much trouble,
# just issue a warning and return the path anyway.
print >> sys.stderr, ("%s missing, %s file in parent directory %s might "
"not be the file you want to use." %
(entries_filename, filename, path))
return path
scope = {}
import io
with, encoding='utf-8') as f:
exec(, scope)
except SyntaxError, e:
SyntaxErrorToError(filename, e)
all_directories = scope['entries'].keys()
path_to_check = real_from_dir[len(path)+1:]
while path_to_check:
if path_to_check in all_directories:
return path
path_to_check = os.path.dirname(path_to_check)
return None
import logging'Found gclient root at ' + path)
return path
def GetPrimarySolutionPath():
"""Returns the full path to the primary solution. (gclient_root + src)"""
gclient_root = FindGclientRoot(os.getcwd())
if not gclient_root:
# Some projects might not use .gclient. Try to see whether we're in a git
# checkout.
top_dir = [os.getcwd()]
def filter_fn(line):
repo_root_path = os.path.normpath(line.rstrip('\n'))
if os.path.exists(repo_root_path):
top_dir[0] = repo_root_path
CheckCallAndFilter(["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"],
print_stdout=False, filter_fn=filter_fn)
except Exception:
top_dir = top_dir[0]
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(top_dir, 'buildtools')):
return top_dir
return None
# Some projects' top directory is not named 'src'.
source_dir_name = GetGClientPrimarySolutionName(gclient_root) or 'src'
return os.path.join(gclient_root, source_dir_name)
def GetBuildtoolsPath():
"""Returns the full path to the buildtools directory.
This is based on the root of the checkout containing the current directory."""
# Overriding the build tools path by environment is highly unsupported and may
# break without warning. Do not rely on this for anything important.
override = os.environ.get('CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH')
if override is not None:
return override
primary_solution = GetPrimarySolutionPath()
if not primary_solution:
return None
buildtools_path = os.path.join(primary_solution, 'buildtools')
if not os.path.exists(buildtools_path):
# Buildtools may be in the gclient root.
gclient_root = FindGclientRoot(os.getcwd())
buildtools_path = os.path.join(gclient_root, 'buildtools')
return buildtools_path
def GetBuildtoolsPlatformBinaryPath():
"""Returns the full path to the binary directory for the current platform."""
buildtools_path = GetBuildtoolsPath()
if not buildtools_path:
return None
if sys.platform.startswith(('cygwin', 'win')):
subdir = 'win'
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
subdir = 'mac'
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
subdir = 'linux64'
raise Error('Unknown platform: ' + sys.platform)
return os.path.join(buildtools_path, subdir)
def GetExeSuffix():
"""Returns '' or '.exe' depending on how executables work on this platform."""
if sys.platform.startswith(('cygwin', 'win')):
return '.exe'
return ''
def GetGClientPrimarySolutionName(gclient_root_dir_path):
"""Returns the name of the primary solution in the .gclient file specified."""
gclient_config_file = os.path.join(gclient_root_dir_path, '.gclient')
env = {}
execfile(gclient_config_file, env)
solutions = env.get('solutions', [])
if solutions:
return solutions[0].get('name')
return None
......@@ -619,59 +619,6 @@ class GitFilter(object):
print >> self.out_fh, line
def FindGclientRoot(from_dir, filename='.gclient'):
"""Tries to find the gclient root."""
real_from_dir = os.path.realpath(from_dir)
path = real_from_dir
while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, filename)):
split_path = os.path.split(path)
if not split_path[1]:
return None
path = split_path[0]
# If we did not find the file in the current directory, make sure we are in a
# sub directory that is controlled by this configuration.
if path != real_from_dir:
entries_filename = os.path.join(path, filename + '_entries')
if not os.path.exists(entries_filename):
# If .gclient_entries does not exist, a previous call to gclient sync
# might have failed. In that case, we cannot verify that the .gclient
# is the one we want to use. In order to not to cause too much trouble,
# just issue a warning and return the path anyway.
print >> sys.stderr, ("%s missing, %s file in parent directory %s might "
"not be the file you want to use." %
(entries_filename, filename, path))
return path
scope = {}
exec(FileRead(entries_filename), scope)
except SyntaxError, e:
SyntaxErrorToError(filename, e)
all_directories = scope['entries'].keys()
path_to_check = real_from_dir[len(path)+1:]
while path_to_check:
if path_to_check in all_directories:
return path
path_to_check = os.path.dirname(path_to_check)
return None'Found gclient root at ' + path)
return path
def PathDifference(root, subpath):
"""Returns the difference subpath minus root."""
root = os.path.realpath(root)
subpath = os.path.realpath(subpath)
if not subpath.startswith(root):
return None
# If the root does not have a trailing \ or /, we add it so the returned
# path starts immediately after the seperator regardless of whether it is
# provided.
root = os.path.join(root, '')
return subpath[len(root):]
def FindFileUpwards(filename, path=None):
"""Search upwards from the a directory (default: current) to find a file.
......@@ -701,89 +648,6 @@ def GetMacWinOrLinux():
raise Error('Unknown platform: ' + sys.platform)
def GetPrimarySolutionPath():
"""Returns the full path to the primary solution. (gclient_root + src)"""
gclient_root = FindGclientRoot(os.getcwd())
if not gclient_root:
# Some projects might not use .gclient. Try to see whether we're in a git
# checkout.
top_dir = [os.getcwd()]
def filter_fn(line):
repo_root_path = os.path.normpath(line.rstrip('\n'))
if os.path.exists(repo_root_path):
top_dir[0] = repo_root_path
CheckCallAndFilter(["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"],
print_stdout=False, filter_fn=filter_fn)
except Exception:
top_dir = top_dir[0]
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(top_dir, 'buildtools')):
return top_dir
return None
# Some projects' top directory is not named 'src'.
source_dir_name = GetGClientPrimarySolutionName(gclient_root) or 'src'
return os.path.join(gclient_root, source_dir_name)
def GetBuildtoolsPath():
"""Returns the full path to the buildtools directory.
This is based on the root of the checkout containing the current directory."""
# Overriding the build tools path by environment is highly unsupported and may
# break without warning. Do not rely on this for anything important.
override = os.environ.get('CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH')
if override is not None:
return override
primary_solution = GetPrimarySolutionPath()
if not primary_solution:
return None
buildtools_path = os.path.join(primary_solution, 'buildtools')
if not os.path.exists(buildtools_path):
# Buildtools may be in the gclient root.
gclient_root = FindGclientRoot(os.getcwd())
buildtools_path = os.path.join(gclient_root, 'buildtools')
return buildtools_path
def GetBuildtoolsPlatformBinaryPath():
"""Returns the full path to the binary directory for the current platform."""
buildtools_path = GetBuildtoolsPath()
if not buildtools_path:
return None
if sys.platform.startswith(('cygwin', 'win')):
subdir = 'win'
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
subdir = 'mac'
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
subdir = 'linux64'
raise Error('Unknown platform: ' + sys.platform)
return os.path.join(buildtools_path, subdir)
def GetExeSuffix():
"""Returns '' or '.exe' depending on how executables work on this platform."""
if sys.platform.startswith(('cygwin', 'win')):
return '.exe'
return ''
def GetGClientPrimarySolutionName(gclient_root_dir_path):
"""Returns the name of the primary solution in the .gclient file specified."""
gclient_config_file = os.path.join(gclient_root_dir_path, '.gclient')
env = {}
execfile(gclient_config_file, env)
solutions = env.get('solutions', [])
if solutions:
return solutions[0].get('name')
return None
def GetGClientRootAndEntries(path=None):
"""Returns the gclient root and the dict of entries."""
config_file = '.gclient_entries'
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ binary. It will also automatically try to find the gn binary when run inside
the chrome source tree, so users can just type "gn" on the command line
(normally depot_tools is on the path)."""
import gclient_utils
import gclient_paths
import os
import subprocess
import sys
......@@ -45,22 +45,22 @@ def main(args):
# Try in primary solution location first, with the gn binary having been
# downloaded by cipd in the projects DEPS.
primary_solution_path = gclient_utils.GetPrimarySolutionPath()
primary_solution_path = gclient_paths.GetPrimarySolutionPath()
if primary_solution_path:
gn_path = os.path.join(primary_solution_path, 'third_party',
'gn', 'gn' + gclient_utils.GetExeSuffix())
'gn', 'gn' + gclient_paths.GetExeSuffix())
if os.path.exists(gn_path):
return[gn_path] + args[1:])
# Otherwise try the old .sha1 and download_from_google_storage locations
# inside of buildtools.
bin_path = gclient_utils.GetBuildtoolsPlatformBinaryPath()
bin_path = gclient_paths.GetBuildtoolsPlatformBinaryPath()
if not bin_path:
print >> sys.stderr, (' Could not find checkout in any parent of '
'the current path.\nThis must be run inside a '
return 1
gn_path = os.path.join(bin_path, 'gn' + gclient_utils.GetExeSuffix())
gn_path = os.path.join(bin_path, 'gn' + gclient_paths.GetExeSuffix())
if not os.path.exists(gn_path):
print >> sys.stderr, ' Could not find gn executable at: %s' % gn_path
return 2
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