Commit 07bfa0dd authored by Bruce Dawson's avatar Bruce Dawson Committed by LUCI CQ

Make CheckLicense ~60x faster

After optimizing CheckForIncludeGuards the CheckLicense presubmit was
the second slowest presubmit, taking about 35 minutes when run as part
of "git cl presubmit --all". The cause of its slowness was initially
non-obvious because it runs quite quickly on most files, however
analysis showed that it could take 50+ seconds on some files. The files
that it is slow on are those that lack a good license header, meaning
that the regex match has to painstakingly scan the entire file.

The optimization in this change is to recognize that there is a simple
non-regex line that appears in all valid license headers, regardless of
variants. If that line is absent then there is, necessarily, no valid
license header, and searching for a line of text is something that
Python can do extremely quickly.

This change drops the CheckLicense time from about 35 minutes to about
32 seconds.

Trivia: _CommonChecks in third_party/blink/ passes .* as the
license, so I added an early-out for that to avoid pointlessly scanning
those files.

Bug: 1309977
Change-Id: Ic2e56079675c2c5a2643d20dd492b1cc52e4ead2
Reviewed-on: 's avatarErik Staab <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarGavin Mak <>
Commit-Queue: Bruce Dawson <>
parent 3b97fa82
......@@ -595,26 +595,38 @@ def CheckLicense(input_api, output_api, license_re=None, project_name=None,
"""Verifies the license header.
project_name = project_name or 'Chromium'
# Accept any year number from 2006 to the current year, or the special
# 2006-20xx string used on the oldest files. 2006-20xx is deprecated, but
# tolerated on old files.
current_year = int(input_api.time.strftime('%Y'))
allowed_years = (str(s) for s in reversed(range(2006, current_year + 1)))
years_re = '(' + '|'.join(allowed_years) + '|2006-2008|2006-2009|2006-2010)'
# The (c) is deprecated, but tolerate it until it's removed from all files.
license_re = license_re or (
r'.*? Copyright (\(c\) )?%(year)s The %(project)s Authors\. '
r'All rights reserved\.\r?\n'
r'.*? Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that '
r'can be\r?\n'
r'.*? found in the LICENSE file\.(?: \*/)?\r?\n'
) % {
'year': years_re,
'project': project_name,
# Early-out if the license_re is guaranteed to match everything.
if license_re and license_re == '.*':
return []
key_line = None
if not license_re:
project_name = project_name or 'Chromium'
# Accept any year number from 2006 to the current year, or the special
# 2006-20xx string used on the oldest files. 2006-20xx is deprecated, but
# tolerated on old files.
current_year = int(input_api.time.strftime('%Y'))
allowed_years = (str(s) for s in reversed(range(2006, current_year + 1)))
years_re = '(' + '|'.join(allowed_years) + '|2006-2008|2006-2009|2006-2010)'
# A file that lacks this line necessarily lacks a compatible license.
# Checking for this line lets us avoid the cost of a complex regex across a
# possibly large file. This has been seen to save 50+ seconds on a single
# file.
key_line = ('Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license '
'that can be')
# The (c) is deprecated, but tolerate it until it's removed from all files.
license_re = (
r'.*? Copyright (\(c\) )?%(year)s The %(project)s Authors\. '
r'All rights reserved\.\r?\n'
r'.*? %(key_line)s\r?\n'
r'.*? found in the LICENSE file\.(?: \*/)?\r?\n'
) % {
'year': years_re,
'project': project_name,
'key_line' : key_line,
license_re =,
bad_files = []
......@@ -622,7 +634,10 @@ def CheckLicense(input_api, output_api, license_re=None, project_name=None,
contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'r')
if accept_empty_files and not contents:
if not
# Search for key_line first to avoid fruitless and expensive regex searches.
if (key_line and not key_line in contents):
elif not
if bad_files:
return [output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning(
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